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Gardening related jokes


A small boy is helping his grandfather dig up potatoes. ‘What I want to know,’ he says, ‘is why you buried the damn things in the first place.’


Why did the gardner need a cork?

His garden sprung a leek.


Did you hear about the successful bonsai tree grower? He got so good he ended up looking for a house with a smaller garden.


How do you stop moles digging in your garden? Hide their shovels.


A little boy goes up to Old Ned the gardener and says, ‘What do you put on your rhubarb?’ ‘Well, usually rotted horse manure,’ replies Old Ned. ‘We have custard.’ says the little boy.


Why did the potatoes get a divorce?

Because they couldn’t see eye to eye.


Why was the tomato blushing?

Because is saw the salad dressing.



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